 (See current up to the minute work here):



The teaser/film I made for the Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema book will be shown November 30th in Washington DC as part of  the film series Color, Cinema, and the Impressionist Moment, curated by Joshua Yumibe and programmed in dialogue with the ongoing exhibit “Paris 1874: The Impressionist Moment” at the National Gallery of Art

Tezcatlipoca, "Lord of the Smoking Mirror" (2023)
was CHOSEN by the prestigious organization
American Illustration (AI43).
A big thank you to the AI43 Jury.

Tezcatlipoca, omnipotent Meso-American deity, the ultimate revealer of hidden sins. Trickster and perpetrator of mockeries and metamorphosis. His black mirror represents the all knowing eye in the sky, pervasive nocturnal powers, the ability to see, and the promise of divine revelation.

Black & white gesso / white charcoal pencil on wood panel 12"x12". This painting appears in the chapter book seen in the forth coming Gothic Aztecs (film/animation).

As I work on a final edit, the Gothic Aztecs teaser/trailer was just featured on the website,
(and also oddly enough, a on a page on MUBI).

My SVA Subway Poster appeared in the show
Underground Images: A History. SVA CHELSEA GALLERY. 8/29-10/14

Interview with Steven Heller of The Daily Heller puts a major spotlight on some recent paintings:
Asherah, the Queen of Heaven on Life Support and the Apries/Hophra Time Slip.

See the artwork here


New work in the new Soldes Almanach Anthology No.8:
Flower on life support, Ashera The Queen of heaven (also on life support), Rescue painting, Fortune, her wheel, action!

Soldes Almanac is the revival of Soldes Fins de Série, a Belgian quarterly first published at the beginning of the Eighties. In the words of Andy Warhol “the best magazine in the world” gained international renown few months after its creation, and was sold in nine countries, becoming an underground success on the sidelines of the media industry.

In 2010 Soldes was revived as an almanac on Marc Borgers' initiative, with Art Kiosque, Paris, and 5C éditions, Brussels. “Made like a work of art”, Soldes discusses arts, science, and society, exclusively in print format.

The Social Media Teaser / Trailer compilation reel
for TBone Burnett's INVISIBLE LIGHT/Acoustic Space was accepted as worthy to be included in the AI-AP International Motion Art Awards 11

The cover image from TBone Burnett's INVISIBLE LIGHT/SPELLS
LP booklet was deemed worthy of inclusion in the prestigious American Illustration Annual, No.42.

With just under 8,000 entries, amazingly, the jury selected THIS piece as one of 393 images for the book and exhibition.

Aleph animation in development / testing


Asherah | The Queen of Heaven on life support. 2022.
24 x24 “ acrylic and graphite on wood panel.

This is the Queen of Heaven / divine consort of God that the biblical prophets railed against. Here she is surrounded by Egyptian Ka spirit & "false” doors representing the passage between the worlds of the living and the dead Qadesh and her lion have here morphed into a circus lion tamer.

She does photosynthesis. She makes copies of DNA. The tree leaves on the tubes reference the Canaanite’s sacred Asherah poles, erected near altars, one of the many ways they violated God’s command to have no other gods or to worship a created image (Ex 20:3-6)”.

Mini retrospective clip of recent and semi-recent animation for instagram

New LP for TBone Burnett’s Invisible Light: Spells

Aztec Multiplex Screening Room, a new title sequence for the 2022 Parsons Core 4D final screening event was premiered May 16th 2022.

Animation made for the 2021 Parsons Core 4D Illustration/Animation final screening event (see below) has been SELECTED and deemed worthy of INCLUSION into the international Motion Art Awards 10 (IMAA10) collection (representing the best photography, illustration and design work in MOTION).

3 Illustrations for PLANSPONSER Magazine.

The full page Artwork for the Tricycle Magazine essay 'Buddhism and the Real World' on the history of Buddhism and activism has been SELECTED for inclusion in the American Illustration 41 Book.

New documentation animation for Psychic Transplant of Neural  Topiary (circa 1999).

 2 pg. spread in the August issue of Scientific American.
Full page Artwork for the Tricycle Magazine essay 'Buddhism and the Real World' by Donald Lopez. 

A new virtual Mozilla screening room space I designed was the location for the title sequence for the Parsons Core 4D Animation event final screening. Illustration/Animation program, Parsons, The New School.

Soldes Almanach (No.7). New issue with the back cover and inside flap with my painting Apries/Hophra Time Slip.

Two pandemic era artworks chosen for the new American Illustration Annual: Apries/Hophra time slip and Quetzalcoatl bringing smallpox to the new world. Both pieces 24" square B&W gesso, matte medium and graphite on wood panel.

2020 Cover Comission for Nautilus magazine.  
New Painting; Apries/Hophra Time Slip. B&W gesso, graphite & matte medium on panel 24x24”. Private commission.⁣

New painting; Quetzalcoatl bringing smallpox to the new world. B&W gesso and graphite on wood panel 24x24”. This new Quetzalcoatl is a mashup of the Greek proto-god Phanes and Quetzalcoatl plumed serpent, bringing smallpox from the old world to the new. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Spring, Summer, Fall 2019
Cover art work for TBone Burnett’s invisible Light / Acoustic Space / instrumentals

New Video for Elysian Fields - Dispossessed⁣. 

My book Birth of Machine Consciousness shown at MoMA / PS1 / Duplex: ‘till the last gasp’ exhibition. 
Catalog cover and art in the CURIOSITY V, Sotheby’s HONG KONG exhibition.

January 2019
Subway poster for SVA, NY, NY.
Art & animation for T Bone Burnett / Invisible Light LP.

Record release party performances for T Bone Burnett / Invisible Light LP at Capitol Records Studio A in Hollywood CA and the McIntosh headquarters, Soho, NY NY.

Launch of Synthetic Apparatus, An ongoing loop based Visual Music Laboratory. Van Hunt sound & music / Jonathon Rosen moving images. A consensual hallucination designed and manufactured to virally reproduce / on Facebook and instagram.

Fall 2018 Psychology Today september issue with mulitple spreads: The Wizard of Consciousness.
My films "Apartment Thunder" 2006 with music by David Toop and Tom Recchion, and "Sleep" 2007 with music by Tom Recchion were shown at the LAFMS (LA Free Music Society) symposium and screening event at the Uplink Theater, Tokyo last Sept. 11th. Presented by Takuya Sakaguchi. 

Spring 2018
Artwork for NYTimes Science Times on capital punishment.                    
Artwork for NYTimes Science Times on the Physiology of THIRST.

Spring/Summer/Fall 2017, Lecture/screening of Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema films at Dartmouth College with Josh Yumibe and Tom Gunning. 
Artwork for CNN White House Correspondents Dinner Tabloid Newspaper center spread on 1st 100 days.
Artwork for INC. Magazine, The Baffler, UCLA Magazine.

Fall / Winter 2016 Aurora goes to Holland is selected as one of only 44 entrants selected into the International Motion Art Awards 5 collection.Artwork featured in the new Madeline Schwartzman anthology SEE YOURSELF X .MTV AWARDS 2017 proposal. Art for Stanford Lawyer Magazine, Psychology Today, Spytail Rum and NYTimes.

Summer 2016 Interview and feature in the new SPIRIT & FLESH magazine. Spring 2016 June; Gluttonous Visual Overdose essay art from Fantasia of Color in Early Cinema at the NY. Society of Illustrators 2016 Comic and Cartoon Art Annual exhibition.
May 2 REDCAT Theater, LA. FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA Screening & lecture with Tom Gunning.
Fall 2015 Fantasia of Early Cinema @ MoMA, with presentation from authors in physical proximity.
Book teaser shown.AI-AP Profile published (where I confess all).Participant in AI-AP BIG TALK Symposium, NOV. NY , NY.
Lecture FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA @ Morbid Anatomy Museum

Spring/Summer 2015, School of Visual Arts presents “And Then,” an exhibition of work by students of the MFA Visual Narrative class of 2015. Curated by department faculty members Jonathan Rosen and Ed Valentine, “ SVA Gramercy GalleryNew York City.
FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA  published. Mashup animation of films from FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA BOOK shown at the Color Fantastic conference at the EYE Film Museum, Amsterdam.
Lecture at Rutgers University on Fantasia book and metabolizing influences.   

Spring 2015, FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA BOOK published. Mashup animation of films from FANTASIA of COLOR in EARLY CINEMA BOOK shown at the Color Fantastic conference at the EYE Film Museum, Amsterdam. Lecture at Rutgers University on Fantasia book and metabolizing influences.   

Winter/spring 2014, animation in the LAFMS Slow Life Avant-garde Fest exhibition, FUKUGAN GALLERY, Osaka, Japan.March, A/V Performance  with composer Carl Stone at SPECTACLE Theater, Brooklyn.

Fall 2013, paintings and animation projection in "WICKED KITCH," an exhibition @ ADCGlobal, New York City. My cover art  for Warren Lahrer's A LIFE IN BOOKS: The Rise and Fall of Bleu Mobley - an illuminated novel, is now released.

Summer 2013
I have a piece in "Story: Visualized," an exhibition of works by a dozen professional visual storytellers from the faculty of the new MFA Visual Narrative Department. School of Visual Arts (SVA) May 24 through July 13, New York City.

Summer/Fall 2012
New cover published: The Spokes by Miranda Mellis (Solid Objects). Group show @ Galerie Papiers Gras, Geneva "Package Iconographique de l'ALMANACH SOLDES". My films featured in the the LAFMS exhibition at ART OSAKA 2012 art fair. United Dead Artists / 400 drawings alive! September 7 to October 6, 2012, Arts Factory Gallery,  Paris. New work for NYT Sunday Review, A stroke of Bad Luck and Doo-dooettes Loop Rendered (excerpt) were both accepted into American Illustration and AI/AP Motion competitions.

Summer 2012
New cover published: The Spokes by Miranda Mellis (Solid Objects). Group show @ Galerie Papiers Gras, Geneva "Package Iconographique de l'ALMANACH SOLDES". My films featured in the the LAFMS exhibition at ART OSAKA 2012 art fair. United Dead Artists / 400 drawings alive! September 7 to October 6, 2012, Arts Factory Gallery,  Paris

Feb 2012
New cover published: The Cosmetic Gaze: Body Modification and the Construction of Beauty
(MIT Press, February 2012) By Bernadette Wegenstein. Also, The Spokes by Miranda Mellis (Solid Objects, 2012).

Fall 2011
Lectures: 2@ Cal Arts, Valencia Ca; 1@ John Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore. MY SVA CLASS Not for the squeamish - Artists and Anatomists, mentioned in the great website MORBID ANATOMY.

Spring/Summer 2011
Assignments for Mother Jones, NY. Times OP/ED, Science section, Week in review, Wall St. Journal, Discover Magazine.

26 August – 18 September 2010
Apartment Thunder is in the show; DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT,Galeria Leto, Warsaw, Poland

June, 2010, Several pieces (including Apartment Thunder) in the show; Uncanny: Surrealism and Graphic Design, Pražák Palace, in Brno, Czech Republic, a part of the 24th International Biennial of Graphic Design, curated by Rick Poynor

March, 2010, Lectures:
University College Falmouth, Kingston University London, University of Brighton,
Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design & Royal College of Art.
Jan 8th - Feb 7th 2010,
KNOW NEW YORK, group show, Cinders Gallery, Brooklyn.

January 22 – February 26, 2010
FUNNY (not funny), group show, University of Michigan School of Art & Design, Detroit.

"True self" group show, Jonathan Levine Gallery, NY, NY. August, 4th 2009,
NY Times, "Finally, the Spleen Gets Some Respect" was the #1 most emailed article.
Wicked plants makes the NY Times best seller list (@No.7 with a bullet).
Cover and inside page for Stanford Medical Magazine. March, April &

May, 2009
Concerts with virtuoso pianist Christopher O'Riley @ the Miller Theater, Columbia University.